Working out the most productive changes to make to your lifestyle can often be the hardest part of getting fit. With over 70 confirmed exhibitors setting up shop, including personal trainers, chiropractors, yoga instructors and even a pole-dancing school, let them do the hard work and ask all the questions you need without feeling silly.
You don’t have to compromise taste in order to improve your diet. Sample and learn about some healthier but equally delicious alternatives to guilty food pleasures, including raw chocolate from Decadently Pure and energy-boosting wheatgrass shots from the Squeeze Juice Cafe.
Learn how to speed up your metabolism and more by taking advantage of the dietitians from Eat And Think for a free 15-minute one-on-one nutritional consultation. These lovely people understand that nutrition is a science, so let them help you create a personalised diet.
Take another step closer to embodying the ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ mantra with the free masterclasses available each day covering a range of health-related topics. Each 45-minute session has a capacity for 90 folk, and as it’s first-come first-serve, make sure you’re there early. The personal trainers at Burn It Fitness are putting on our favourite class, the guilt-inducing: ‘Wine! Now we have your attention, learn to find a balance in your life’.
Get lucky
Fancy a free gym membership at Edinburgh Leisure or Pure Gym? While browsing the stalls, look out for the many competitions to win some goodies to take home.Read more here:uk prom dresses