This brings us to a small study that finds “breakfast led to reductions in food cravings in…an index of central dopamine production, with the high protein breakfast eliciting greater responses.” Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward—we want more, more, more of both!
Translation: A protein-rich breakfast could help reduce food cravings and modulate the feelings that control “food reward” in overweight or obese young people. True, I write here about mature adults, but “perhaps” the takeaway can be applied to all of us? Our bodies secrete dopamine when we eat foods we love, hence we feel a “food reward.” We feel oh-so-good. Skip breakfast, and we’re going to have cravings all day, the authors said.
That was for the Body, and now for the Mind. Here’s yet another reason you should embrace physical activity—so many reasons! New researchreports that physical activity three times weekly “may alleviate depressive symptoms in the general population and, in turn, depressive symptoms in early adulthood may be a barrier to activity.”
Depressed individuals—in this study, young adults—were less likely to engage in physical activity. Study participants self-reported physical activity and depression symptoms at ages 23, 33, 42 and 50. Again, we cannot apply the findings of this study specifically to everyone, but it’s not the first research connecting exercise and less depression. And certainly, if you’re depressed and can just make yourself get off the couch and get moving, you’re going to feel better.
Finally, if someone tells you “you’re neurotic,” you might brush it off with a huff. A new study finds an association between neuroticism—being anxious, worried and stressed—in midlife women and a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease later in life. Reducing stress continues to be a consistent theme in health. The challenge is how to reduce it when it’s “in your face.” Exercise, meditation, especially mindfulness, and even petting your dog or cat are good temporary fixes. No doubt science will pursue more solutions now and in the near future, since stress when it’s severe or long-term, has dire consequences.Also read here:formal dresses belfast