First of all, when you eat based on calorie content alone, you are in no way taking into account the nutritional quality of your food.
People who eat a "low calorie diet" put themselves at risk of missing out on some incredibly nutrient-rich foods, like nuts, seeds, avocado and oily fish – all of which are relatively high in calories, but are ALSO packed with important vitamins and minerals, as well as good sources of fat.
Yes, I said fat. Some naturally high-fat foods are among the healthiest we can eat in terms of reducing our risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other chronic illnesses. They keep us full, help our body absorb the nutrients from other food, and can actually boost our metabolism. Yep – eating fat can actually help you burn fat.
Let's look at a specific example of two foods with the same calorie count, but incredibly different health profiles: a handful of raw almonds and two slices of white bread. Both contain 200 calories, but almonds offer skin-boosting vitamin E andmagnesium, plus fibre and fat, while white bread only really contains a bit of vitamin B that's been artificially added during processing.
Firstly, protein (which almonds are packed with...white bread is not) takes double the energy to process as carbohydrates. In other words, the body uses twice the number of calories in digesting and metabolising it. The result? Half the amount of calories left to be potentially stored as fat. If you're overweight and are trying to get to a healthier weight, this is extremely important information.
Secondly, almonds (and other plant-based, unprocessed foods) are packed with fibre. Fibre slows the release of calories into your bloodstream (specifically, when you eat 200 calories in almonds, your body is only going absorb around 160...see why calories are such a fickle thing?). Some of the calories end up in your intestines to fuel the good bacteria in your gut, essentially feeding the process of digestion. But refined white breads (and other sugary and processed foods) have had most, if not all, of the fibre stripped from them. Your body will absorb all of the calories in these foods. In other words, your body can use the almonds as efficient energy. The white bread? Not so much.
Thirdly, these two foods have very different effects on your appetite and feeling of satisfaction. Protein generally reduces appetite more per calorie than fat and carbohydrates. Two hundred calories of protein-rich almonds are likely to fill you up better, and for longer, than 200 calories of white bread.It is also important to understand that zero or low-calorie food and drinks do not necessarily equate to weight loss – this is a common misconception that needs to be broken. In fact, studies have shown that regular consumption of "calorie-free" artificial sweeteners can actually contribute to weight gain. According to a studypublished in the journal Obesity in 2008, people who regularly eat artificial sweeteners in diet drinks and other low-calorie products are more likely to gain weight. Why? Partially, because gram for gram these sweeteners can be up to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar, increasing sweet cravings that lead you to eat more overall.
So what can we learn from all of this? Mostly, that we should not view food as a collection of calories. Not only does it take away any sort of enjoyment away from eating, but it is also a highly ineffective and unhealthy way of approaching our diet. Instead, we should aim to reduce our intake of processed, carbohydrate-rich foods, and increase the amount of protein, fibre and healthy fats. Less focus on numbers, and more on eating real food.