
7 Best Anti-Aging Anti-Cancer Superfoods For Summer

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It’s high summer, and farmer’s market tables are sagging under the bounty of the harvest coming in. (And if you planted a garden, you’re probably begging your neighbors to take beans and tomatoes off your hands.) But while you want to eat a rainbow as the USDA advises, not all fruits and veggies are created equal when it comes to disease prevention. Here are 7 in-season showstoppers with some of summer’s most powerful health benefits.
1. Tomatoes
Research shows that tomatoes have the potential to prevent or reduce the risk of prostate, breast, colon, lung, an many other kinds of cancer, thanks to their high concentration of the antioxidant lycopene. In fact, 72 different studies have been conducted by the National Cancer Institute into the preventative benefits of tomatoes.
While summer is the time to pluck tomatoes fresh from the vine, research shows that cooking them concentrates the lycopene, making tomato-based sauces and stews even healthier than the fruits themselves.
2. Avocados
Cardiologists love avocados; thanks to their heart-healthy mono-unsaturated oils, avocados raise good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and protect artery walls. The result: research-proven effects in reducing stroke and heart attack risk. In fact, both the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association recommend avocados as part of a heart-healthy diet.
3. Summer Berries
Thanks to their vivid colors, berries such as blueberries, raspberries and blackberries contain high levels of disease-fighting phytochemicals that have been found to boost immunity, prevent cancer, lower heart disease risk and even prevent seasonal allergies. Research shows that blueberries, in particular, have powerful demonstrated effects in lowering cholesterol, preventing heart disease, and lowering the risk of diabetes.
Blueberries have also received the most attention as cancer-fighters, but just last month a study in the June 2014 issue of Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy identified a chemical in black raspberries that suppressed the growth of tumor cells.
And while strawberries don’t pack quite the nutritional punch of some other summer berries, they contain a phytochemical called fisetin that recent research found had a powerful effect in preventing Alzheimer’s Disease.
4. Cucumbers
If your garden isn’t overflowing with tomatoes, it’s drowning in cucumbers, right? While these crisp veggies often get a bad rap as being mostly water, this isn’t the case. Cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties – hence the propensity of movie stars to put cucumbers on their eyes to reduce puffiness. They also aid weight loss, accounting at least in part for their ubiquitous presence in spa water. And like strawberries, cucumbers contain high levels of fisetin, a compound research shows may help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
5. Grapes
From wild grapes to table grapes to wine grapes, this late summer fruit is filled with beneficial compounds that fight aging, prevent cancer, and reduce the risk of pretty much all age-related diseases. Red wine grapes, of course, are the primary sources of the anti-aging powerhouse resveratrol, widely studied for its ability to prevent and possibly treat bread cancer.
In one study, published in Cancer Prevention Research, resveratrol was shown to suppress the abnormal cell growth that fuels breast cancer. In another study, muscadine grapes, in particular, were shown to trigger self-destruction in liver cancer cells. And animal studies found a more than 85 percent risk reduction for aggressive prostate cancer in mice fed a resveratrol-rich diet. In several recent studies, resveratrol has also been found to cause weight loss.
The truth is, though, that you can’t go wrong with any fruit or vegetable that’s brightly colored, since the chemicals that provide those colors are also the ones that prevent disease. But wait – onions and garlic are also powerful disease-fighters, and they’re white. Think of the farmer’s market as your pharmacy, and you’re on your way to health.
6. Mangoes
They contain copper, postassium, magnesium, B vitamins – and a laundry list of immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals including anti-inflammatory quercetin, astragalin, methylgallat and fisetin. But most important, mangoes contain fiber and enzymes that boost digestion. Thanks to their orange-colored flesh, mangoes – like carrots – are extremely high in vision-enhancing vitamin A.
7. Green Beans

Whether blue lake, French, or some exotic heirloom variety, they’re climbing your fence and bursting out of grocery store bins. That’s a good thing, since green beans prevent heart disease, stroke, and diabetes; studies show green beans reduce the risk of blood clots in the cardiovascular system and brain. Rich in fiber, iron, calcium and minerals like silicon and manganese, green beans contain nutrients not commonly found in many other vegetables. They also contain the antioxidant kaempferol, which research has found to be anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, and even anti-microbial.Also read here:prom dresses 2014 uk

