
Researchers advise consumers to avoid adding high-sugar to a high-fat diet

(Image:blue prom dresses uk)
A new study found that a following a high-sugar, high-fat Western diet is more damaging than a diet high in saturated fats alone.
The study, published in Experimental Physiology, showed that short-term consumption of a Western diet, rich in saturated fats and fructose, is more damaging for healthy liver development than a high-fat diet alone.
While natural fructose found in fruits like berries, raw apples, and sugar cane can actually increase their nutritional value, artificial fructose, found in most sweeteners, sodas, and artificial juices, have gained lots of attention lately for their health risks.
Dr. Susanna Iossa, who led the study at the University of Naples, Italy, said, "This result points to the harmful effect of adding fructose to the usual western, high-fat diet and, together with other related findings, should stimulate the discussion on the use of fructose and fructose-containing sweeteners in beverages and packaged foods.
"We performed the research by using an animal model of adult sedentary humans, consisting of adult rats, that were fed for two weeks with either a low-fat diet, a high-fat diet or a diet rich in fat and fructose. This latter diet is very similar in composition to the diet consumed by the large majority of the Western population. After the diet period, we evaluated liver function and we found that the presence of fructose in the high-fat diet exacerbated the impairment of this important metabolic organ, by increasing the build-up of fat in the liver, and decreasing liver insulin sensitivity.

"Much more research should be undertaken in the future, especially regarding the impact of the high-fat high-fructose diet on other metabolically important organs, in order to establish the real impact of this unhealthy dietary habit on health and well-being."Also read here:SheinDress mermaid prom dresses


Sustainable Shopping Spree

sustainable shopping spree
(Image:evening dresses uk)
Starting college means starting a new chapter in the book of life, and with each chapter comes a new environment. One of the easiest ways to spice up your new space is by changing what you wear. A new approach to your style and appearance is best done by way of a sustainable shopping spree! So, shop for your school wardrobe from the inside out with these sustainability tips and tricks!
If you don’t have much time (or motivation) to do research, stick with the first of the three famous Rs: REUSE. Shopping at thrift stores for your new wardrobe is fun and will give you that unique closet you’re looking for. They are inexpensive, have a huge selection, and let you pick and choose from a plethora of different styles. Since a lot of the pieces at thrift stores tend to be on the simpler side, don’t be afraid to take something home and add a bit of lace or elastic and reuse it in a totally individual way!
There are certain fabrics that are especially environmentally friendly. Look for these to look and feel comfortable. For the sewing-savvies: Grab a couple yards of these and throw together quick dresses or whatever your eco-loving heart desires!
Don’t forget to be on the lookout for brands that enforce cruelty free practices. While these may be a bit more expensive, they are worth the splurge and go towards a worthy cause.

While shopping, stick to the necessities and keep it simple! Biting off more than you can chew in the clothing department will only make for a messy room and more stress getting ready in the morning (or night!)For more information:SheinDress graduation dresses


Design Trends and Your Taste

Design Trends and Your Taste...
(Image:sexy evening dresses)
OK...This is a big and wide topic!
I put furnishings into a few categories, but they meld into: Modern, Traditional, "Eclectic" -- or a controlled combination-- & "Transitional" -- not as modern, but not fussy--). There's also Asian, Primitive, Country plus various specialized styles based on serious antiques and historical periods. There is also the very customized (what I call) 'Art Furniture".
All styles are Always seen/sold Somewhere. Serious antiques aficionados won't change their taste too much and will always find what they need. MOST young people like cleaner lines, usually more contemporary or modern -- which also can include all kinds of classic modern furniture from mid-20th Century till now.
Assuming that you are not, at least for now, working with a Design professional--
What to do if you are looking and acquiring furnishings? Follow your instincts. No matter how young or old you are, this is YOUR place, not your mother's. It's amazing how often I hear someone say that they are tired of living in the style of their parents or in-laws, and that's not just "20-somethings". And LOOK AROUND at what's available. Don't be hasty.
When you are looking, unless you know that you are of the temperament to replace what you are buying SOON (and that means in less than 10 years), give your purchases some thought. In furniture, trends tend to follow and coordinate with structural materials: houses in the 50's, 80's and the past 10 years all have colors and scale (size) and even style of furniture that is different from the last "fashion" -- or trend.
One of my absolutely favorite challenges when everything available was quite conservative was to search for purple upholstery fabrics. I only found 3 (THREE) samples after perusing about 5 textile showrooms at the Mart. Or, when trying to reupholster my sofas, I couldn't even find a supplier to custom dye fabric the same color I was replacing! Then, 3 years later I started to see the color "everywhere" and I could find it now! If you are shopping retail, which is a where most of us start, pay attention to what is "EVERYWHERE" NOW and what you find from time to time, plus what you may really love but cold be obscure.
Then, you can look on line and/or go in person to some wonderful, more specialized dealers like Design Within Reach & Pauline Grace --classic modern/contemporary, Golden Triangle & Primitive --Asian and primitive). They might have something that wonderful, stylish look that is not what everyone else has.
Even more important than "portable furnishings" be sure to give serious thought to anything permanent you install/build-in: cabinets, tile, lighting, stair railings. To this group add crown moldings, door hardware, countertops, faucets, plus almost anything that a contractor or any of his/her subs would install. These are the permanent and semi-permanent (as I call them) decisions that will designate your house as modern, traditional, neither or trendy (which is short-term). Over my years of working in Design, I have seen the ebb and flow of Harvest Gold, Copper Brown and Avocado (and in my childhood Pink and Aqua) appliances. Stainless is part of every kitchen now, but who knows, right?

I've also seen bizarre lighting, shiny chrome, shiny brass and bronze doorknobs (although those ALL somehow still squeak through) and all materials and colors of kitchen/bath/bar cabinets (plain white to highly carved dark brown).If you can find your way to your own style, it's fun and wonderful gives you something to watch for in furnishings, plus (my fave): accessories and art. Modifying and adding to the "bigger pieces" will be fun and ongoing. Each paint company has hundreds (probably thousands) of colors, and that's for YOU to choose from and work with. Off-white is NOT your only choice (unless you have to repaint it for a landlord in a year)! If you are finding that you are choosing that same sofa that your neighbor has, maybe in almost the same color? it will probably look out-of style and out-of-touch even before it wears out. It will be "out" even faster if you are buying it from different places, because then you KNOW it's trendy 'cause lots of dealers carry it.Also read here:red carpet dresses


Food that helps to give you a glowing skin.

Food that helps to give you a glowing skin.
(Photo:sexy evening dresses)
The age-old adage that, 'What you eat shows on you' holds more importance in the present day where our skin battles against a lot of stress, physical exertion, pollution, junk food shows on our skin either instantly or over the years. However, if you want to have that glowing and radiant skin without undergoing a knife, maybe it's time to make few changes in your grocery list.
1. Trash the crash: First and foremost cut down the crash diets that have been dominating you for some time now. Your body needs a complete and a balanced diet that contains, proteins, carbs, vitamins and other nutrients. Also eating at regular intervals ups your metabolism rate which also aids you in having a healthy and a toned body. Avoid foods that are already cut and preserved in open for a longer time.
2. Drink lots of water: Water and radiant skin goes hand in hand. As the skin needs enough moisture, water is equally important source as even the slightest sign of dehydration will start showing its signs on your skin. Drink eight to ten glasses of water and other healthy fluids like fresh vegetable juices, fruit juices and green tea. Also if you consume tea or coffee make sure to drink two glasses of water after the consumption as to replenish the lost nutrients from the body. Keep a large bottle of water on your desk so as to remind yourself to drink water constantly. Try to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as both can age the skin.
3. A handful of almonds: Almonds are not only rich in Vitamin E but also they help you to have a fresh mind and fresh face after a hangover. Apart from boosting your Vitamin E levels almonds are also known as the best antioxidants for your skin. Also many believe that eating a handful of almonds on a regular basis also increases your memory power. So add a new task in your to-do-list of everyday: have a handful of almonds.
4. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is known to be a great source of antioxidant. Apart from giving a strong immune system, it also helps in giving a radiant skin, heal blemishes and keeps you away from cold and cough. The best sources of Vitamin C are known to be blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes.

5. Dark chocolates: Yes people you read it right! Dark chocolates has a natural plant substances called flavonoids in them that provide numerous beauty benefits. Apart from giving us a radiant and glowing skin, the flavonoids have many health benefits too. They relaxes the blood vessels that reduces blood pressure, keep platelets from getting sticky which in turns reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. However make sure to consume it in a limit as with giving our skin the required radiance we are also putting sugar and fat in our body.For more information:www.sheindress.co.uk/evening-dresses


4 surprising benefits of eating vegetables

Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts
(Image:prom dresses uk)
You’ve seen Meatless Mondays, vegan restaurants and green drinks become all the rage. You know that vegetables can help you lose weight and fend off chronic diseases. Yet if you’re like most Americans, you probably still aren’t eating enough of them.
If you need a little motivation to get your share, here are four surprising reasons to increase your vegetable intake:
1. They fight bloat
Although you may associate vegetables with creating a bloated belly, most vegetables actually do the opposite. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which flushes out waste and gastric irritants and prevents constipation by keeping the digestive tract moving.
Vegetables can also help you look leaner by counteracting bloat caused by salt. Most American adults get nearly twice the recommended sodium limit. Eating a bacon and egg biscuit, a typical restaurant meal, or instant soup means consuming nearly an entire day’s sodium allotment. Vegetables are rich in both potassium and water, which help flush excess sodium out of the body while restoring the body’s normal fluid balance.
To ease that full feeling in your stomach, try eating fennel, cucumbers, summer squash, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce or tomatoes.
If you experience gas when you start to add more fiber and vegetables to your diet, choose steamed vegetables rather than raw ones. The heat from cooking breaks down some of the fiber and will keep gastric distress to a minimum as your body adjusts to consuming the fiber you need.
2. They create a youthful glow
Want younger-looking skin? Vegetables prevent unwanted signs of aging and keep skin young and supple thanks to phytonutrients, vitamin C and high water content.
Many vegetables are 85% to 95% water, which helps hydrate the skin and reduce wrinkles. And phytonutrients, found in all vegetables, can guard against premature aging by preventing cell damage from stress, the sun, pollution and other environmental toxins. Vitamin C aids in collagen formation, according to studies.
Choose brightly colored red and orange vegetables and you’ll get an added boost of beta carotene, which can give you a healthy glow as it protects skin from sun damage. Similarly, lycopene, found in red vegetables such as tomatoes, also has been shown to act as a natural sunscreen.
Eat vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, broccoli and potatoes for vitamin C, and carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and other orange produce for beta carotene.
3. They reduce stress
Stress can make you tired and moody, hindering your ability to make healthy nutrition choices. The result is emotional overeating and binges.
Meanwhile, nutrients like magnesium and vitamin C are quickly depleted during stressful times. Luckily, many vegetables contain these very nutrients, as well as tension-reducing omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins that fight anxiety and depression.
The potassium and magnesium found in some vegetables can also calm you on the inside as they relax blood vessels and keep your blood pressure down, according to research. And fiber keeps blood sugar levels stable, preventing dips in energy and the associated mood swings.
To reduce stress, eat any vegetable. Mushrooms, leafy greens, squash, potatoes, bell peppers, spinach, bok choy, fennel, string beans and edamame are especially good sources of several vitamins and minerals.
For a no-fuss way to consume more vegetables and combat stress, add leafy greens, mushrooms and peppers to your sandwiches, wraps, soups, pizza, tomato sauce and omelets.
4. They protect your bones
Most people think of dairy foods as the bone protectors, thanks to their high calcium and vitamin D content. But some vegetables also have these same nutrients in addition to bone-building vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and prebiotic fiber.
Tomatoes in particular have recently been connected to bone health. A study found that when you remove lycopene-rich foods like tomatoes from the diet, women are at increased risk of osteoporosis.
Eat strong-spined, dark leafy greens like collard greens, turnip greens, kale, spinach (cooked for more calcium!), broccoli and green peas for calcium and vitamin K. Mushrooms contain vitamin D while asparagus, chard, kale, artichokes, onions, garlic and leeks are full of prebiotic fiber.Also read here:long prom dresses uk


Obesity an Eating Disorder?

(Photo:evening gowns)
According to statistics from the National Eating Disorder Association, 30 million American men and women will struggle with an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. Most Americans are familiar with the eating disorders anorexia and bulimia, but many mental health professionals are weighing in on the possibility that obesity is an eating disorder, too.
As of 2013, 41 states reported rates of at least 25 percent adult obesity. Every state has found that over 20 percent of their adult population qualifies as overweight or obese, according to standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1980, 15 percent was the maximum rate of adult obesity in any given state. In 2023, should these trends continue, it is estimated by the Trust for America’s Health Report that the lowest obesity rates will be between 40-49 percent and that these statistics will represent only a handful of states. The remainder of the nation will have a rate of 50 percent or higher of adult obesity, based on projected trends. Obesity, in short, is an epidemic, which is being classified more and more as an eating disorder by medical professionals.
The way the medical and psychiatric community views eating disorders is evolving. Binge eating disorders (BEDs) are now counted among the debilitating forms of eating disorders that affect millions of Americans, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). One in 35 Americans are susceptible to experiencing a BED, a disorder characterized by intense and often unfounded cravings that are not in response to hunger. These cravings are often satisfied with secret episodes of binging that occur once a week or more and are attached to a deep sense of shame and guilt; feelings which have been linked to the use of food to deal with stress and feelings of dysfunction.
As with anorexia and bulimia, two eating disorders that deal with poor body image and under-eating habits, those with BED struggle against medical and psychiatric issues associated with overeating habits that hinder the quality of life. Unlike those with anorexia, those who suffer from bulimia or BED are more likely to be a normal weight or overweight. There is little research dedicated to what percentage of obese Americans are affected by BEDs, although it has been known for some time that binge eating can have a direct correlation to obesity.
Like those who suffer from anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorders, those who struggle with obesity battle with misconceptions about self-image, healthful eating habits, and a manageable strategy to balance the two. Further research will be conducted to determine the link between obesity and eating disorders as well as what effect weight loss and healthful eating campaign rhetoric has on those who suffer from eating disorders.
Food critic and author, Sheila Himmel ,wrote that much could be gained by incorporating obesity into the health concerns now classified as eating disorders. She also states that tackling the American obesity epidemic should include a focus on prevention, and insists that eating disorders can lend much to the treatment and understanding of obesity in adults and teens.
While not presently included as a disorder, obesity was considered for inclusion in the 2013 DSM. Obesity is often linked to emotional instability and addictive psychological behaviors, among other factors that experts agree are shared with those who suffer from under-eating disorders. Obesity may not be considered a disease in 2014, but the symptoms of the larger problem of overweight and obese adults contribute to diseases of the heart, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and a host of peripheral conditions that require consideration and attention.Also read here:black prom dresses uk


Fashion students put on a stylish show for shoppers

(Image:black prom dresses)
Underwater creatures were the inspiration for one young fashion student whose designs were showcased in the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre.
A catwalk stage was erected so that the work of New College Nottingham students could be shown off on Friday and Saturday.
Haleema Naseer stood out from the crowd with her brightly-coloured 'Exotic Glamour' collection, which was inspired by a trip to Birmingham's Sea Life Centre.
The 18-year-old said: "All of the colours came from underwater sea creatures. The orange came from the jellyfish and the green from the fish.
"I then created the stitching pattern to make it look like scales and added the lace to give the glamour element."
Haleema said she knew she wanted to work in the creative industry from a young age.
"My collection is designed to show what fashion is all about. It's wild catwalk clothing.
"I've always felt that fashion is really me and it's the thing that I've always wanted to do."
She is going to Nottingham Trent University in September to study Fashion Design.
"I'm really excited about going to university," said Haleema, from Carlton.
"I went to Graduate Fashion Week last year, and as soon as I saw the students and their designs I knew that I wanted that to be me."
Fellow students Tori Weaving and Sophie Mogridge were also among the fashionistas showing off their work.
Tori, 20, from Gloucester, was influenced by the centenary of World War One for her 'Protected' collection.
Her designs featured military-style jackets in structured fabrics.
"I wanted my designs to look like armour. I chose to produce jackets as I wanted the collection to stand out and be different," she said.
"I first realised I wanted to work in fashion from studying textiles at school. I've found a new passion in pattern cutting since going to NCN.
"I now have big dreams of opening my own business."
Sophie brought harem trousers and jump-suits back to the catwalk.
The 21-year-old, who lives in Forest Fields, named her collection Mythical Ripple after being inspired by Greek mythology.
She said: "I looked at a lot of mosaics and fabric draping for my designs.
"I'll be going to UCA in Rochester soon to study fashion design. I'm really excited."
NCN is still looking to recruit for its fashion courses starting in September.For more information:white short prom dresses uk


Time to go shopping on social networks

Time to go shopping on social networks
(Photo:bridesmaid dresses)
With online shopping now becoming a part of our lives, there are several sites online that now cater to specific needs of a buyer. Clothing, accessories, electronics, crockery -you name it's all out there in the online market, which is overflowing with products. Taking a cue from its popularity, the online shopping is spreading out its network -its latest being the the social networking sites.
What's interesting is that it forms a platform for small and medium enterprises and gives their products a global market. Here's why you must try shopping at these new social network markets.
Off the shelf products
Simply open an online shopping site and a social network shop tabs alongside, and you'll spot the difference.
Social network markets tap the ongoing trend, not just national but mostly international trends. Moreover, most of these markets update their collection on a weekly or fortnightly basis, which means you do not see the same products every time you open the page. They also mention the fabric and its care in detail, in fact some of them (especially those selling rural art) also give details of the artisan behind the product.
Encourages interaction between manufacturer and the user
Most of these shopping pages give their personal details like phone numbers, address and email ids of the manufacturer or direct dealer, so that you can get in touch with them in case of doubt. In fact, some social network shops selling sarees from a specific region also give their numbers as a guarantee for their products.
One-stop shop for exclusives
If you are tired of looking for that beautiful block printed pure cotton flared shirt and not yet found it, then these social network markets are the solution. They will take you by surprise with their exclusivity. They tap the most uncommon trends that make every product unique. They also pro vide custom-made products on demand.
Stocked up with old and new
The range of products they sell is unbelievable, especially international brands. They have the latest in fashion from all around the world. In fact, they also have a huge variety of local artisan products which are added and updated as per season. In spite of updating their product light, you will still find older trends on the page. Moreover, in case the product is sold out or out of stock, they ensure to get it back for the customer.
You get to buy what you see
The products displayed and available on these shopping pages are the same, there are no terms and conditions that say, `Colour and pattern of the actual product may vary from the one shown in the picture'.
Moreover, these social network markets display the actual product in different angles and lights, so that the buyer gets a fair idea of the product while placing the order.
Help the SMEs to flourish
In one way, you actually helps the small and medium enterprise (SME) industry to flourish by buying their products. These markets are one of the best platforms for these artisans to promote themselves. In fact, it also helps enterprising youngsters who have turned entrepreneurs as they deal in such good through these markets.With online shopping now becoming a part of our lives, there are several sites online that now cater to specific needs of a buyer. Clothing, accessories, electronics, crockery -you name it's all out there in the online market, which is overflowing with products. Taking a cue from its popularity, the online shopping is spreading out its network -its latest being the the social networking sites.
What's interesting is that it forms a platform for small and medium enterprises and gives their products a global market. Here's why you must try shopping at these new social network markets.
Off the shelf products
Simply open an online shopping site and a social network shop tabs alongside, and you'll spot the difference.
Social network markets tap the ongoing trend, not just national but mostly international trends. Moreover, most of these markets update their collection on a weekly or fortnightly basis, which means you do not see the same products every time you open the page. They also mention the fabric and its care in detail, in fact some of them (especially those selling rural art) also give details of the artisan behind the product.
Encourages interaction between manufacturer and the user
Most of these shopping pages give their personal details like phone numbers, address and email ids of the manufacturer or direct dealer, so that you can get in touch with them in case of doubt. In fact, some social network shops selling sarees from a specific region also give their numbers as a guarantee for their products.
One-stop shop for exclusives
If you are tired of looking for that beautiful block printed pure cotton flared shirt and not yet found it, then these social network markets are the solution. They will take you by surprise with their exclusivity. They tap the most uncommon trends that make every product unique. They also pro vide custom-made products on demand.
Stocked up with old and new
The range of products they sell is unbelievable, especially international brands. They have the latest in fashion from all around the world. In fact, they also have a huge variety of local artisan products which are added and updated as per season. In spite of updating their product light, you will still find older trends on the page. Moreover, in case the product is sold out or out of stock, they ensure to get it back for the customer.
You get to buy what you see
The products displayed and available on these shopping pages are the same, there are no terms and conditions that say, `Colour and pattern of the actual product may vary from the one shown in the picture'.
Moreover, these social network markets display the actual product in different angles and lights, so that the buyer gets a fair idea of the product while placing the order.
Help the SMEs to flourish
In one way, you actually helps the small and medium enterprise (SME) industry to flourish by buying their products. These markets are one of the best platforms for these artisans to promote themselves. In fact, it also helps enterprising youngsters who have turned entrepreneurs as they deal in such good through these markets.Also read here:graduation dresses



Cardiovascular training is the optimum way to build a strong heart and lungs, and it also does a super job of eliminating excess body fat. Most experts agree that most individuals should do some type of cardiovascular exercise a minimum of 30 minutes on most days of the week, within 60 to 85 percent of their heart rate. If weight loss is a goal, then 60 to 90 minutes of cardio is recommended. In walking, running, jumping rope and biking, the legs do the movement, but primarily it's the heart that gets the workout.
Weight training, also called resistance training, is an essential part of your workout. The primary benefits include: increased muscle tone, lower cholesterol and resting blood pressure, prevention of muscle weakness and atrophy, improved posture, development of more lean body tissue, strengthened skeletal muscles, stress reduction, improved metabolic rate and better physical appearance through muscle toning and definition.
Though often ignored, balance is an important component of your health that declines rapidly with age if not deliberately engaged. Don't wait until you notice signs of deterioration - proactively work on your balance by adding exercises that deliberately challenge your balance, like standing on one foot, lunges and skateboarding.
Flexibility training, which is also often neglected, can prevent injuries by keeping muscles supple. Stretching increases range of motion, reduces lower back pain, improves posture and promotes mental relaxation.
This is by far the most challenging of the fitness quintet. Many people are quick to adopt the latest "quick fix" or "fad" diet. However, these diets rarely deliver what's promised: permanent weight loss and good nutrition. In order to master permanent weight loss, you'll need to commit to a lifestyle of clean living and clean eating. Losing weight in a culture that promotes overeating and a sedentary lifestyle is a challenging task. Yet, some, with continuous effort, have succeeded and won the battle of the bulge. With persistence, fortitude and determination, so can you!Read more here:www.sheindress.co.uk/red-carpet-celebrity-dresses