
The Secret Seven: Health Numbers to Watch Out for

The Secret Seven Health Numbers to Watch Out for
(Image:red prom dresses)
Your state of health is largely defined by numbers, some important ones you really should keep a track of for most of your adult life are -
Body mass index less than 25
Blood pressure 110/70
Calories/ day for a man - 2500; woman - 1800.
Calories from fat should be under 30 per cent of your daily diet (with an abundance of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat)
A cholesterol level of under 200
Waist-to-hip ratio of under 0.8 for a healthy heart
But, if you are really aiming for super health here are some important figures to keep in mind too.
15 minutes - This is the amount of time it should take you to complete a mile long walk. If the time period is less, you are fairly fit; if it takes you longer, it means your cardiovascular system is not up to par and you must engage in any aerobic activity for at least thrice a week of half hour each. You can get yourself tested at any good gym in your neighborhood, and most would do it free!
6 grams - This is the amount of fat needed to absorb disease fighting antioxidants in vegetables, which means boiled or steamed veggies are definitely not the best idea. Use heart-healthy oils like safflower, sunflower, olive et al to make veggies or toss a salad in! Of course remember you need only six gms for absorption of antioxidants so you don’t have to drown your veggies in oil, just a little bit is fine.
24 hours - Is the amount of time it takes to drop your risk of heart disease after you stop smoking! Good news for all those deciding to quit and make a new resolution indeed. In a few weeks, coughing and shortness of breath will stop and your odds of lung cancer will also begin to fall.
6 hours - Is the amount of time you should wait before you drive after having three drinks or more. Researchers have determined this is the safest time period to wait before you drive after drinking. It is said that people insist they are sober when they are still quiet impaired. For your safety and others on the road please follow this guideline this party season.
95 calories - This is what it takes to drop 5 kilos of weight in a year, drop your calories by about 95 each day. It is really quiet simple - eliminate your morning butter from toast, or your late afternoon biscuit snacking or the small pieces of sweet after lunch, to loose 10 kilos in a year, simply multiply that figure by two. But, please remember the reverse is also true, if you add 95 calories more to your diet each day, you will end up adding an extra 5 kilos to your frame in a year.
60 - This is the maximum number of abdominal exercise you should perform in a single exercise session. Any more repetitions and your form suffers. Remember, quality is more important than quantity, many people mistakenly believe that doing 100 or more repetitions will guarantee flat abdominals. The truth is two to three sets done in good form, evey other day is not only sufficient but smart. To get a flat stomach, focus on diet, cardio and abdominal training.

10 - Finally, this is the number of muscles you should target each time you weight train. Just focusing on chest or biceps or glutes, will prevent you from getting a strong, well-balanced body. Remember to use all exercises like chest presses, at pull downs, shoulder press, crunches, back extension, squats, leg presses, leg curls, bicep curls and triceps extension.Also read here:prom dresses 2013

