
Got gas? It could mean you've got healthy gut microbes

Sulfur-rich foods, such as cabbage, bok choy and kale, can be popular with gut bacteria. And we all know how much the critters enjoy beans.
(Image:evening gowns uk )
Not long ago, we heard about a catchy idea for a cookbook: "Fart-free food for everybody."
In theory, these recipes would be helpful for some people — and those in their vicinity.
But being a bit gassy may actually be a small price to pay for a lot of benefits to our health.
We know that air often comes after eating nutrient-packed vegetables, such as cabbage, kale and broccoli. And researchers have found that fiber-rich foods, like beans and lentils, boost the levels of beneficial gut bacteria after only a few days, as we reported in December.
So all this got us wondering: Could passing gas, in some instances, be a sign that our gut microbes are busy keeping us healthy?
Absolutely, says Purna Kashyap, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
"Eating foods that cause gas is the only way for the microbes in the gut to get nutrients," he says. "If we didn't feed them carbohydrates, it would be harder for them to live in our gut."
And we need to keep these colon-dwelling critters content, Kashyap says. When they gobble up food — and create gas — they also make molecules that boost the immune system, protect the lining of the intestine and prevent infections.
"A healthy individual can have up to 18 flatulences per day and be perfectly normal," he adds.
Gas gets into the digestive tract primarily through two routes: Swallowing air (which we all do when we eat and chew gum) and your microbiome. That's the collection of organisms in the GI tract that scientists and doctors are currently all fired up about. (Check our colleague Rob Stein's recent series on it.)
That microbiome includes hundreds of different bacteria. But there are also organisms from another kingdom shacking up with them: the archaea.
All these microbes are gas-making fools. They eat up unused food in your large intestine, like fiber and other carbohydrates we don't digest, and churn out a bunch of gases as waste.
But that's not all they make. They also produce a slew of molecules (called short chain fatty acids) that may promote the growth of other beneficial bacteria and archaea.
And the more fiber you feed these friendly inhabitants, the more types of species appear, studies have found. This bump in microbial diversity has been linked to a slimmer waistline.
"Undigested carbohydrates allow the whole ecosystem to thrive and flourish," Kashyap says.
Most gas made by the microbiome is odorless. It's simply carbon dioxide, hydrogen or methane. But sometimes a little sulfur slips in there.
"That's when it gets smelly," Kashyap says.
But here's the hitch: Many of the smelly sulfur compounds in vegetables have healthful properties.
Take for instance, the broccoli, mustard and cabbage family. These Brassica vegetables are packed with a sulfur compound, called sulforaphane, that is strongly associated with a reduced risk of cancer.
Another possible benefit of a little smelly gas? It may reduce the total volume of air in the gut, Kashyap says.
Why? Because bacteria and archaea make the sulfur gas from other gases in the gut, like hydrogen.
"Bacteria that make sulfide gas are really important," Kashyap says. "They can cause smelliness, but they can reduce the total amount of gas flow."
Of course, having too much of anything can be bad. If gas and bloating start interfering with your quality of life, Kashayps recommends seeing a doctor.
But don't immediately blame your diet, Kashyap says.
In many cases, people who complain about too much gas actually don't generate more than others, he says. Instead, they perceive the passing more intensely. Or they pass it more often.
"Yes, a more fiber-rich diet will produce more gas," Kashyap adds. "But completely eliminating fiber from the diet should not be the first option. You don't want to starve your microbes."
So go ahead. Enjoy those lentils. Chow down on the cabbage. Then if you stink a little, think of it as a thank you gesture from your microbiome.Read more here:uk bridesmaid dresses


Feel confident in swim wear

Feel confident in swim wear
(Image:SheinDress backless prom dresses)
Swimming is a great way to chill out and even burn those extra kilos during summer. But many keep from taking a dip simply because they lack the confidence to wear a swimsuit in public.
Few of us are blessed with a perfect bikini body, but just because you don't have one doesn't mean that you should miss out on all the fun. TOI's tips help you get pool ready this summer...
Pick a bathging suit that emphasizes your features
There are a wide range of swimsuits available in the market today, so pick one that highlights your best features and covers those parts that you want to keep hidden. Shapewear bathing suits or those with ruffles work wonders to hide that bulge.
Cover-ups like shorts hide the parts of our body that you don't want to show
Smart cover-ups
Go shopping and invest in smart cover-ups that can go a long way in making you feel comfortable. If you have a big derriere, wear a sarong or shorts. If you are busty, drape a scarf creatively. Look for cover-ups that create the illusion of a flawless body.
Fake it
This is perhaps the hardest thing to do, but when you are out in public in a swimsuit, pretend to be confident, even if you don't feel that way. Most people are unhappy with their bodies, so shed your inhibitions, and you will find that with time, you will notice your confidence levels rising.
Fix your posture

The easiest way to look slim is by fixing your posture. A person can appear slimmer and taller just by keep their shoulders back and back straight. Stand up straight, pull your navel in to your spine and watch yourself transform. This will also make you look more confident.Also read here:SheinDress mermaid prom dresses


The Secret Seven: Health Numbers to Watch Out for

The Secret Seven Health Numbers to Watch Out for
(Image:red prom dresses)
Your state of health is largely defined by numbers, some important ones you really should keep a track of for most of your adult life are -
Body mass index less than 25
Blood pressure 110/70
Calories/ day for a man - 2500; woman - 1800.
Calories from fat should be under 30 per cent of your daily diet (with an abundance of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat)
A cholesterol level of under 200
Waist-to-hip ratio of under 0.8 for a healthy heart
But, if you are really aiming for super health here are some important figures to keep in mind too.
15 minutes - This is the amount of time it should take you to complete a mile long walk. If the time period is less, you are fairly fit; if it takes you longer, it means your cardiovascular system is not up to par and you must engage in any aerobic activity for at least thrice a week of half hour each. You can get yourself tested at any good gym in your neighborhood, and most would do it free!
6 grams - This is the amount of fat needed to absorb disease fighting antioxidants in vegetables, which means boiled or steamed veggies are definitely not the best idea. Use heart-healthy oils like safflower, sunflower, olive et al to make veggies or toss a salad in! Of course remember you need only six gms for absorption of antioxidants so you don’t have to drown your veggies in oil, just a little bit is fine.
24 hours - Is the amount of time it takes to drop your risk of heart disease after you stop smoking! Good news for all those deciding to quit and make a new resolution indeed. In a few weeks, coughing and shortness of breath will stop and your odds of lung cancer will also begin to fall.
6 hours - Is the amount of time you should wait before you drive after having three drinks or more. Researchers have determined this is the safest time period to wait before you drive after drinking. It is said that people insist they are sober when they are still quiet impaired. For your safety and others on the road please follow this guideline this party season.
95 calories - This is what it takes to drop 5 kilos of weight in a year, drop your calories by about 95 each day. It is really quiet simple - eliminate your morning butter from toast, or your late afternoon biscuit snacking or the small pieces of sweet after lunch, to loose 10 kilos in a year, simply multiply that figure by two. But, please remember the reverse is also true, if you add 95 calories more to your diet each day, you will end up adding an extra 5 kilos to your frame in a year.
60 - This is the maximum number of abdominal exercise you should perform in a single exercise session. Any more repetitions and your form suffers. Remember, quality is more important than quantity, many people mistakenly believe that doing 100 or more repetitions will guarantee flat abdominals. The truth is two to three sets done in good form, evey other day is not only sufficient but smart. To get a flat stomach, focus on diet, cardio and abdominal training.

10 - Finally, this is the number of muscles you should target each time you weight train. Just focusing on chest or biceps or glutes, will prevent you from getting a strong, well-balanced body. Remember to use all exercises like chest presses, at pull downs, shoulder press, crunches, back extension, squats, leg presses, leg curls, bicep curls and triceps extension.Also read here:prom dresses 2013


5 Miserable Afflictions to Avoid This Spring

A woman lays in a grassy field, blowing her nose
(Image:graduation gowns)
As joyful and gorgeous it may be, spring brings its own share of seasonal maladies, and nothing can kill the buzz of spring like an allergy or a bacterial infection.
With the warmer weather can come a host of pathogens that are less common during winter's frigid conditions. Here are a few things you should watch out for this season.
Lyme disease
Deer ticks (also called blacklegged ticks), which carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, are most active during the spring, early summer and fall. They live in shady and humid environments, and are often found at ground level, clinging to grass. They also live in lawns and gardens, especially at the edges of woods and old stone walls, according to New York's Department of Health.
The ticks don't jump or fly, and so they can only get onto people by direct contact. The risk of Lyme disease is greatest for people living in New England, the Mid-Atlantic States, and the upper Midwest, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
To protect yourself from tick bites and Lyme disease, avoid walking in places where ticks are likely to live. The CDC recommends using insect repellents with DEET on the skin or clothing, or permethrin on clothing.
Allergic rhinitis
In the spring, trees and grass start to produce pollen, to which many people are allergic. The most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) are stuffy and runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, wheezing and cough.
There's really no good way to cure or prevent allergies, but the symptoms can be controlled.
"With allergies, there are really good treatments and there's no need to suffer," said Dr. Andy Nish, president of Allergy and Asthma Care Center in Gainesville, Ga.
His first recommendation to people with allergies includes avoiding the outdoors on high pollen days, changing clothes when getting home, and keeping windows closed, Nish said.
Then there are medications to ease allergic reactions,such as nasal steroids and antihistamines, Nish said.
For people who have tried to avoid triggering their allergies but haven't seen improvement, and for those who are allergic to a number of allergens, some doctors may recommend trying immunotherapy and allergy shots, Nish said.
Eye allergies
Another type of allergy to pollen affects the eye, and is called allergic conjunctivitis allergy. In this condition, the membrane lining the eye and the inside of the eyelid becomes inflamed.
Doctors recommend staying away from pollen, lubricating the eye, and taking allergy medicine for relief.
Worsening of asthma & other health conditions
Spring allergies can worsen an existing asthma or sinus problem, Nish said.
Inhaling pollen can trigger asthma attacks and increase inflammation of the airways in people who have asthma. Similarly, people with sensitive sinuses can be irritated by pollens.
Some people may develop eustachian tube dysfunction, in which the narrow tube that runs from the middle ear to the back of the nose gets blocked because of inflammation and extra mucus, Nish said.
The flu season is not over yet. National data from the first weeks of April show that although seasonal influenza activity is declining, flu viruses continue to circulate and cause illness in parts of the U.S.
For example, in New York State, the numbers from the second week of April show influenza is still widespread with more than 2,500 lab-confirmed cases.

To avoid getting the flu, people should get the flu shot and take everyday preventive actions to stop the virus' spread, the CDC says. These include washing hands, limiting contact with sick people, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth.Also read here:red carpet dresses


Karl Henry: How to make your body work for you

Karl Henry: Real health and weight loss is staring you in the face
(Image:SheinDress princess prom dresses)
EVERYBODY is searching for the next big diet: the next starvation method to deliver short-term results. The reality is that real health and weight loss is staring you in the face.
Your body, when utilised properly, is a weight loss machine that will work hard to reduce body fat, increase lean tissue and become healthier.
I'm going to tell you how to rev up your metabolism and regulate your appetite, and share the trade secrets that will help you stay healthy for life.
Supercharge your system and make your body work for you.
The Meal of Champions
If you want your body to work for you, you have to fuel it. Think of your metabolism as a furnace that must be kept stoked. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it fires up the furnace and turns your body into a fat-burning machine for the rest of the day. Skip breakfast and you will burn less calories during the day, you will be cranky, you will eat more and feel less motivated. Ideally choose organic porridge oats or eggs and wholemeal bread at breakfast time and, as a rule, aim to eat most of your carbs at breakfast and fewer as the day progresses.
Slow down
Irish people tend to eat too quickly, without adequately chewing their food. Hence the body has to do extra work to break it down, and absorbs fewer nutrients in the process. You should aim to chew your food for 30 seconds. Studies show that those who take more time to masticate their food have less of the ‘hunger hormone' ghrelin circulating in their digestive systems. The simplest way to do this is to put down your knife and fork between each mouthful and let your teeth and jaw do what they were designed |to do. You will |also reduce stomach bloating, improve digestion and gain more energy.
Thirst v Hunger
The hypothalamus is the area of the brain that regulates bodily signals, including thirst and hunger. This means that we can often confuse thirst for hunger when we're not adequately hydrated. Always have a glass of water at the first sign of hunger. Better still, aim to drink two to three litres a day, starting with lemon and hot water in the morning to flush out toxins.
The Stress/Belly Fat Connection
Stress causes the body to produce a hormone called cortisol, which can also promote fat storage, often around the stomach area. Combine this with the natural ageing process, which lowers your metabolism and increases your fat content, and it's easy to see why middle-age and a wider mid-section go hand-in-hand. Many associate ‘chilling out' with indulgence. The truth is that by relaxing the mind you will |naturally increase your ability to get that waist back. Try turning off your phone for an hour a day, going for a 20-minute walk in the evening or practising yoga or |meditation.
Watch the Clock
Your body has a natural circadian rhythm (24-hour cycle). From 8pm to 4am, your body is in the assimilation cycle. Your body is assimilating or absorbing nutrients from your food. By eating late, your body spends a huge amount of time having to work at digesting your food when it should be sleeping. It reduces the speed at which you absorb the nutrients from your food, leaves you feeling bloated and full and affects your sleep. In an ideal world you should aim to eat your dinner at around 7pm, leaving time for a herbal tea such as peppermint to help you digest your food.
In the Bedroom
The aforementioned hypothalamus, which regulates hunger and thirst, also regulates sexual satisfaction. Sex increases your cardiovascular fitness, improves circulation, increases blood flow and, most importantly, releases a host of hormones, some of which play a part in regulating your appetite, specifically carbohydrate cravings. A healthy sex life plays its part in a healthy body.
Short, Sharp Bursts
We lead busy lives, struggling to get time for any training. Yet even five or 10 minutes of intense exercise can make a big difference to your weight, mind and body, turning it into a fat-burning furnace. Short, intense and explosive bursts of exercise can fire up the metabolism, burn calories and release endorphins into the blood stream. Think quick sprints or jumping jacks — anything that breaks a sweat and gets you out of breath.
No matter what exercise you do, to force your body to get the maximum benefits from the workout you must ensure you are getting out of breath but can still hold a conversation. This is the zone at which your body gains the most from a workout. Don't miss my 15-minute workout plan in Monday's ‘Irish Independent’.
Brown is the New White
Who doesn't want a flatter stomach, more energy and a healthier body? It's much easier than you may think. Simply drop the white carbs from your diet, replace them with wholegrain brown carbs and watch your body change. Swap white bread for wholemeal brown bread, white pasta for brown pasta and white rice for brown rice. The white versions of these foods are higher on the Glycemic Index, which means they spike your blood sugar level which causes your body to release insulin to remove the excess sugar. The more insulin you produce, the more of your food is stored as body fat.
Press Pause
If you overtrain, your body will generally refuse to lose weight. You will be hungrier and struggle to train as hard as normal. You should take at least two rest days a week to let the body recover. This will ensure that you get the best results from your training.
The Spice Route
Adding spices to your food will help your body to burn fat, increase its metabolism and keep you healthier and free from illness. Just increase the amounts gradually and you will grow to love spicy food. Need some inspiration? Add chillies to a stir-fry, ginger to juices and cinnamon to soups and stews. If you're grabbing a sandwich for lunch, add jalapeno peppers or a slick of mustard to your wholemeal wrap or roll.
Pros and CARBS
Every meal should contain protein. This has several benefits, including increasing lean muscle tissue, revving up your metabolism and helping balance insulin levels. Ideally, you should eat 1.5g/kg bodyweight of protein a day. Eggs offer one of the easiest ways of achieving this. They are a complete protein, containing all eight essential amino acids and are full of vitamins and minerals.
Stay Strong
Many people eat when they are emotional, eating high-sugar/high-fat comfort foods that may make them feel better in the short term but not in the long run. One of the best ways to break this cycle is to exercise. When you're having a bad day or feeling low, you need to move. Movement will increase your energy and lower the emotional triggers that cause you to reach for the biscuits. An hour-long walk will generally sort out even the most problematic of issues. This is especially true if you have had a bad day at work. Forget the bus and walk home instead. You will have worked out all the stress by the time you get there. Eat normally and avoid the pitfall of sugar-fuelled foods.
Sleep Yourself Slim
Sleep is the body's way to recover, regenerate and replenish. Deep sleep will aid your weight-loss process. By turning off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed, reading to relax the mind and using blackout blinds to keep the light out, you will help the body to completely relax and recover. Leptin and ghrelin work to control feelings of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates appetite, while leptin, produced in fat cells, sends a signal to the brain when you are full. When you don't get enough sleep, it drives leptin levels down, which means you don't feel as satisfied after you eat. Lack of sleep also causes ghrelin levels to rise, which means your appetite is stimulated, so you crave more food.
Muscle Burns Fat
Muscle burns more calories than fat, therefore those who carry more muscle have a higher basal metabolic rate. In fact, they burn more calories than someone with less muscle even while sitting at their desk eating a sandwich. As you get older your body naturally stores more fat and reduces its muscle content. Hence resistance exercise is more important than ever. One of my favourite exercises is the plank. It is fantastic for your core and is so easy to do. Start on elbows and knees, locking hands together. Now straighten your legs and raise your body so that you're supported by the balls of your feet, with feet hip-distance apart. Face the floor, being careful not to arch your back or stick your bottom in the air. Hold this position for 30 seconds to begin with, extending the time as you get stronger.
Women’s Health
When a woman is menstruating, her body will swell, she will crave comfort foods and often not feel like training. It is key to recognise this, not panic and be more mindful of your body at this time. To reduce swelling, increase your intake of citrus fruits and try boiling water with apple cider vinegar and lemon (cooled slightly before drinking) to help reduce the amount of fluid you gain. Remember that women are naturally less hungry just before |ovulation (mid-cycle) and more hungry in the luteal phase (pre-menstrual). If you're feeling up to it, lifting weights as part of your training routine can help reduce the effects of PMS, improve your mood and reduce your comfort food cravings. Most importantly, listen to your body and learn to anticipate the natural appetite peaks and troughs that occur each month.
Supercharge continues next week in the Irish |Independent. Pick up Monday’s Irish Independent for Karl Henry’s ‘15-minute workout’Also read here:SheinDress mermaid prom dresses


Fashion on the edge at NSCAD

Laura May Taylor is one of 15 designers taking part in NSCAD University’s wearable art show being held Thursday night at 8 p.m. in the Marquee Ballroom, Halifax. Taylor has made pieces inspired by a zombie, a skeleton, a Digimon, a shared experience and a ghost. (INGRID BULMER / Staff)
(Image:sexy prom dresses)
Laura May Taylor’s personality is larger than life, much like the pieces she has prepared for NSCAD University’s 23rd wearable art show, taking place Thursday night at the Marquee Ballroom in Halifax.
The arts student, who is the same age as the show, exudes eccentricity.
Her hair is the colour of cotton candy: blue, green and purple. It has been back-combed until it appears as large as her abstract ideas.
“Teeth, brains, eyeballs — you know, the normal stuff that clothing is made with. This one with stilts has elongated fingers too,” she said when describing her collection for the showcase.
Taylor has made five pieces inspired by a zombie, a skeleton, a Digimon, a shared experience and a ghost.
“The ghost was thinking of the body and the spirit extending after life. It was created with the passing of my grandfather in mind — how the ghost is another extension to the body, which creates this distorted humanoid figure,” she said of the long white dress, to be worn while on stilts, that covers a person’s face while the whole thing is lit by black light.
Usually one to volunteer at the event, this is Taylor’s first time contributing to the show. She will be one of 15 designers.
Although she’s made her own clothes since she was six, a class she took this year titled Fibre Fabric Fashion taught her new techniques she’s used to make the pieces.
These include working with the water soluble stabilizer Solvy, which allows a seamstress to create lace-like structures; needle felting and wet felting woolen fabrics; and lots of crocheting, including creating woollen tights, taking 10 hours to complete each leg.
How did the artist who is as multifaceted as the fashion in the showcase — working as a lighting technician, a circus instructor, a pole fitness competitor and as a volunteer for those with Down syndrome — manage to find time for wearable art while juggling this multitude of tasks?
“I just don’t sleep.”
Taylor came to NSCAD in 2008, after attending the visual arts program at Canterbury High School in Ottawa. The intermittent student assumes she is in her third year though she’s unsure, as she takes time off from school to work on the West Coast as a lighting technician for 20th Century Fox.
The printmaker is not a fashion student, but fashion isn’t what wearable art is about.
“It is an opportunity for people who aren’t fashion students and from all these different mediums to be able to make work for the body,” said Justin Lees, organizer of this year’s student-run event.
“Here we are at an arts institution in a fashion studio, so fashion is still an art; this is just the extreme side of it.”
Lees has taken on the task as part of his internship credits through the school’s extended studies program. He had his own collection in 2011 and contributed to last year’s combined advanced fashion and wearable art show.
It’s his first time in an organizational role but, for the fashion major whose own work consists of elaborating or distorting the body, the job fits.
The Marquee Ballroom is a long way from the show’s original conception in 1991, when it took place in the school’s cafeteria and onlooking students could smoke cigarettes and drink beer as others walked the catwalk.
“It just kind of pairs well with the wearable art show,” Lees said of the Marquee, which has mannequins and bicycles hanging from the ceiling.
“It’s weirdly over the top and the wearable art show, as you’ve seen from Laura’s pieces, is incredibly weird and over the top and just really fun.”
Over 30 models will take part.
Taylor’s circus friends are helping to model her creations. Cait Anthony, a contortionist, will be wearing her detailed zombie dress. Vanessa Furlong will wear the ghost while walking on stilts, and Danielle Archer, an aerial hoopist, will be wearing a Digimon-inspired felted bell-shaped sweater.
Taylor loves her creations and plans on wearing them casually in the future.
“When I started at NSCAD, I promised myself that I would only make stuff that I would like to wear or, if it’s imagery, I would only make stuff that I would like to have tattooed on myself.”

The event is a fundraiser for the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia.Also read here:backless prom dresses


Overalls and whitewashed outfits trend in spring 2014

Mr Seb/Flickr
(Image:SheinDress bridesmaid dresses)
High fashion is often difficult to mimic. Thankfully, there are stores like Target, Forever 21 and H&M that offer a variety of different styles – and price ranges. This means that it’s easy to find cheaper alternatives to the fashions we see trending this season and hope to take inspiration from.
The most outrageous trend thus far is the resurgence of overalls, which seems to be taking the place of last spring’s jumpsuit and romper trend. From the farm to Fifth Avenue, celebrities like Selena Gomez have been seen rocking overalls with a cute bandeau and stylish heels. Overall shorts seem to be a big-ticket item this coming season as well, and when styled correctly they can really hit a home run.
Another big trend this season when it comes to bottoms is the introduction of “the flirty skirt.” This is a knee-length skirt that starts tight-fitting and then flows out into pleats when it hits the knees. Semi-business casual is big in itself this spring, with dressy shorts and bejeweled tops on the rise as well.
As for colors, the black and white combination is still bombarding the fashion world, but this year there is a focus on purely white outfits. Another trend has been referred to as “a hint of pink:” one example would be a hot pink collar peaking out of an otherwise all-white outfit. Metallic and pastel colors will also be making a frequent appearance this season.
Inevitably there will be a few repeated trends this year, back by popular demand. The maxi skirt continues to be a tried-and-true trend for nearly anyone and everyone: they are easy to style and pull off that “effortless” look. Crop tops are going strong this spring as well, and with them of course will be the high-waisted short – a classic combination that is sure to stick around for years to come.

Contrary to previous years, the trends circulating this year are fairly wearable and easy for an everyday girl to pull off with a quick trip to the mall and about fifty dollars in her pocket. With styles from opposite ends of the spectrum, from the casual and laid back look of a maxi skirt to the preppy, business casual look of dressy shorts, you can be on point with the spring trends of 2014 no matter where your style lands.Also read here:SheinDress prom dresses 2013


Tobago Fashion Week gets redefined for 2014

(Image:long prom dresses uk)
After three successful years of bringing fashion to the forefront for consumers, Tobago Fashion Weekend (TFW) seeks to further elevate the profile of creative talent both locally as well as from around the world on May 16-18. Spearheaded by Designer United Stores, this year’s edition of TFW is themed SPD Redefined.
The fourth instalment of this creative industry initiative hosted a glamorous media launch which was attended by government officials, members of the Diplomatic Corps, entertainment personalities and fashion enthusiasts on Monday at La Cantina, on Victoria Avenue, Port-of-Spain.
Addresses from TFW directors Ashley Christmas, Richard Young, Meisha Trim and Aisha Keens-Dumas-Smith all intimated one common message: fashion is a natural extension of the Caribbean being, and the commercial potentiality is a welcomed school of thought for T&T.
For 2014 and beyond, the seven-member executive remains committed to engaging and encouraging the vast bodies of creative talent that continue the sustainable development thrust rooted in Caribbean fashion, the TFW said in a news release. The executive also noted the necessity of support from the public and private sector in this initiative.
The media launch also included showcase previews from Dexter Jennings, Rhion Romany, Dominic Hutch, Dominic La Roche, Shaun Griffith-Perez, Anthony Redd, Pegus and TFW’s Art to Fashion High School Initiative. Makeup for the models was provided by celebrity artist, Krysta Wallace.
In conjunction with the Tobago House of Assembly and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment, TFW 2014 aims to build on new and committed partnerships within the creative fraternity, and give a polished platform for viable commerce options and value chain development in a sector bursting with talent and promise, the release said.
Other partners on board this year include the Tourism Development Company Ltd, JetBlue, Full Circle Animation, Tempo, 211, Excel and Foreign Bass.

The media launch of TFW in Tobago will be held on May 3 in Scarborough.Also read here:short prom dresses uk


How to get rid of the winter weight

(Image:SheinDress green prom dresses)
Spring is already here, and we'll soon be ditching sweaters and get prepared for shorts and swimsuits. Many of us have gained a few pounds over winter and want to shed them before venturing out in skimpier attire.
"Surveys show an average winter weight gain of five to seven pounds," says nutritionist Elizabeth DeRobertis. Unfortunately, most people tend not to lose the extra weight, and it continues to pile on, year after year. "People tend to put on a few pounds during the holidays, and a few over the course of the winter months," she tells Newsmax Health.
Most people get discouraged in their weight loss efforts before they even get started, often because they choose weight loss problems that are too difficult. "People set themselves up to try something that is too extreme," says DeRobertis. "They have a hard time staying on track because they rely on willpower instead of making an effective plan. They go too long without eating, and then they end up starving, which results in overeating. Before they know it, summer is here, and they are thrown off by backyard barbeques, parties, and other gatherings."
Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated, though, and you don't have to constantly feel deprived. Try DeRobertis' easy ways to shed winter weight on Newsmax Health:
1. Weigh only once a week. "While many diets suggest keeping detailed records of what you eat and how much you weigh on a daily basis, perhaps even with graphs and charts tracking your progress, such an obsessive approach can in fact be detrimental to your weight loss goals," she says. Weighing weekly eliminates small variances from day to day, such as water retention, and true weight change patterns emerge.
2. "Destroy" your plate. Once you realize you've eaten enough, do something to your plate to make the food unappealing, like pour salt or pepper or place a napkin on the leftovers. "It sounds strange, but if you eat three quarters of the food on your plate and then cover the rest with a napkin, you are less likely to continue eating," says DeRobertis.
3. Choose the right plate color and size. "Blue plates have been shown to decrease appetite, while the opposite holds true for red and gold plates," she says. You'll also tend to eat less if you use smaller plates, such as salad plates, instead of full-size dinner plates.
4. Drink water before each meal. Continue to drink water throughout the day.
5. Take your time eating. People who eat too quickly often overeat, says DeRobertis, because their brains haven't had time to realize they're full.
6. Embrace the "little things." Little things can make a big difference, says DeRobertis. "Stay active by cutting shortcuts out of your life. Take the stairs, not the elevator or escalator. Get off the subway one or two stops early and walk a little extra. Run around and play with your dog. Make yourself get up and walk around the office, or better yet, walk around the block.Also read here:SheinDress yellow prom dresses

7. Choose the whole version of foods, and opt for foods with less added sugar. Choosing lean proteins with lots of vegetables is a great way to have larger portions with fewer calories.


Fashion girl

Carson High senior Kinsley Bean models as a hobby, and recently modeled during Charleston Fashion Week.
(Image:vintage prom dresses uk)
Teenaged girls have any number of hobbies — hanging out with friends, shopping, playing a sport or a musical instrument.
For Kinsley Bean, her hobby is modeling. She recently participated in Charleston Fashion Week as a runway model.
“Most people don't know about it, but it is the second-largest show on the East Coast,” says Kinsley, a senior at Jesse Carson High School. “It's a pretty big deal. I auditioned for it last summer.”
As part of her audition, Kinsley, 18, had to walk in front of three judges. She's only been modeling for about three years, and this is by far her biggest assignment.
“I hope in college, I'll be able to be more committed,” says Kinsley, who will attend UNC-Wilmington in the fall. With its movie studios, the city is a perfect location for Kinsley to pick up some work, she says. She was an extra on “One Tree Hill.”
“If I could get extra jobs there, it would be a good part-time job,” she says.
Kinsley says that her dream job would be a spokesmodel or newscaster. She's entering college in the “undecided” category, because she has so many subjects in which she's interested.
Kinsley is only now building a portfolio. She was able to meet agents and talent scouts in Charleston. She also discovered she prefers print work. Kinsley is 5 feet 9 inches and has an athletic build, thanks to softball and swimming. She wears anywhere from a size 4 to a size 8.
She feels good about the way she looks, she says. “You've got to love your body.”
She was told if she wanted to do more runway work, she'd need to lose 10 pounds. On the other hand, if she wanted to be a plus-size model, she could gain 10 pounds.
She said “no thanks” to both offers. She's simply modeling for fun. At Carson, Kinsley has also played volleyball and run cross-country. Right now, she says, her focus is on school. She's an office assistant this semester, and her favorite class has been forensics.
Kinsley is the daughter of Rob and Kara Bean. Her older sister, Kyrstan Basinger, 26, attended UNCW, while her brother Keyan Clayton, 22, attended UNCC.
Her whole family, she says, is supportive of her foray into modeling.
“She wants to do it and she likes to do it, but she knows there's a lot involved in modeling,” Kara says. “She only wants to do it if it's the right opportunity.”
Kara acknowledges that models have to be “hangers” for clothes, and says that Kinsley is a healthy size.
“She is a beautiful, sweet, darling girl,” Kara says. “I don't want modeling to affect her in any negative way.”
Kara notes that Kinsley puts modeling in its right place — a hobby she may pursue more seriously later on.
“It's been really good,” Kara says of her daughter's time on the runway. “I'm really proud of her. She's a well-rounded kid.”

Freelance writer Susan Shinn lives in Salisbury.Also read here:princess prom dresses


Passion for fashion: Provo hosts its first fashion week

Lifestyles - JMbuddy
(Image:princess prom dresses)
If you’re familiar with my column, you’ll know that I love all things fashion, along with all things entrepreneurial, any event or person with unique sensibility, especially when all of these things are happening in Utah. So I couldn’t be more excited to announce that Provo is holding its very first fashion week set for April 9-10.
Melanie Brook and Janay Robison have put forth the effort to encompass all the amazing fashion design talent in the area, and to expose the area’s creativity and ability here in the heart of Utah County.
“People in Provo have a huge interest in fashion, they just don’t know what to do with it because there is no established community for them to participate in,” said Robison.
Both of these two ladies come from a strong background of sewing and design and felt the urge to display their love and passion for fashion for a local audience. They’ve come up with a great way to support many of those humble and quiet designers in a way that allows others to encourage and support their talents.
When I asked them what makes this event stand out from other fashion events here in the state, Brook replied, “There have been fashion shows in Provo before as fund raisers or promotional events but never before has Provo had an annual or semi-annual runway show that local designers, models and fashion enthusiasts can look forward to and aspire to be in,” she said.
The designers will not only go home with more recognition for their brand, but they’ll walk away with beautiful photography and documenting from the show for their own portfolio. The show will feature many beautiful things such as children’s clothing, formal wear, swimwear, suits and other unique local designs such as industrial-designed backpacks.
Set to appear at the event will be 15 local designers like Brandon Perry, Bree Wilkins, Aaron Puglisi and Daniel Shirley, Kailee Brown, Augusta Overy and more than 100 models.
Have I enticed you yet?
On top of that, Brook and Robison have made this event golden. Not only will this successful show broaden the fashion in Utah, but they’ve brought the Paul Mitchell school on board to head the hair and makeup.
Provo’s Fashion Week is also being held as a fundraiser — all the proceeds will be donated directly to the Provo Food & Care Coalition to help those who are homeless or severely low income, to get back on their feet so they can pursue their dreams too. Talk about heart.
“This may be the first Provo Fashion Week but it certainly won’t be the last,” Robison said. “Our vision for this show is that it continues twice a year for several years to come and grows a little bigger each time.”
I’m telling you, Utah’s fashion continues to grow stronger and stronger and with the help of these two ladies — and their fashion week, it’s on its way through the roof.
“This is the start of something incredible, but it will only reach its potential if it is supported by people who want to see it continue,” Brook said.

I hope you have a chance to make it and see these designers before they are headed to the Hollywood hills.Also read here:blue prom dresses